Thursday, September 17, 2009

peachfuzz, the anti-catholic. pt.1

I thank you for replying.
John 14:6 (New International Version)
6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. {Yes, I agree with you on this, but let me put His saying in context. No one gets salvation from anyone but Jesus. Jesus said many things dealing with salvation.}
Does Jesus say that No one can come to the Father but by me +, {This is not a statement of the things Jesus has commanded us to do in order to gain salvation. Jesus is saying that the things He requires us to "do" must be done in and through Jesus for us to be granted salvation. As you can see, I have given you plenty of verses to back up my statements.}

being confirmed? Acts 19:5-6 - Paul imposed hands on baptized, received Holy Spirit. Acts 8:14-17 - laid hands upon them, they received Holy Spirit. 2Cor 1:21-22 - put seal on us and given Holy Spirit in our hearts. Eph 1:13 - you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. Heb 6:2 - instruction about baptism & laying on of hands

being baptised? Jn 3:5; Mk 16:16 - baptism required for entering heaven. 1Cor 15:21-22 - in Adam all die, in Christ all made alive. Mk 10:14 - let children come; to such belongs the kingdom. Lk 18:15 - people were bringing even infants to him... Col 2:11-12 - baptism has replaced circumcision. Jos 24:15 - as for me and my house, we will serve Lord. Mt 8:5. - daughter healed because of centurion's faith. Mt 15:21. - daughter healed because of Canaanite woman's faith. Lk 7:1. - just say the word, and let my servant be healed. Acts 16:31 - believe in Lord Jesus you & house will be saved. Acts 16:15 - she was baptized, with all her household. Acts 16:33 - he and all his family were baptized at once. 1Cor 1:16 - I baptized the household of Stephanas.

praying to anyone else? Eph 6:18-19 - making supplication for all the saints & for me. Tob 12:12 - angel presents Tobit & Sarah's prayer to God. Ps 148 - David calls upon angels
Zech 1:12 - angel intercedes for Jerusalem. Mk 12:25, Mt 22:30 - men in heaven are as the angels. Rev 5:8 - those in heaven offer prayers of the holy ones to God.
Mk 12:26-27 - he is God of the living, not of the dead. Mk 9:4 - Jesus seen conversing with Elijah & Moses. Lk 9:31 - Elijah & Moses aware of earthly events. Rev 6:9-11 - martyrs under altar want earthly vindication. Heb 12:1 - we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. Lk 16:19-30 - departed rich man intercedes for brothers. Rev 20:4 - saw the souls of those who had been beheaded .

genuflecting? Who said genuflecting has anything to do with salvation? It is nothing more then a sign of respect.

Adoration of the eucherist? In order to gain salvation? No, but as a Catholic we take Jesus at his words. We Jn 1:29 - Jesus called "Lamb of God". Mt 26:26 (Mk 14:22., Lk22:17.) - Eucharist instituted. Mt 26:26 (Mk 14:22., Lk 22:17.) - Eucharist instituted. 1Cor 10:16 - Eucharist = participation in Christ's body & blood. 1 Cor 11:23-29 - receiving unworthily his body & blood. Ex 12:8, 46 - Paschal lamb had to be eaten. Jn 1:29 - Jesus called "Lamb of God". 1 Cor 5:7 - Jesus called "paschal lamb who has been sacrificed. Jn4:31-34; Mt 16;5-12 - Jesus talking symbolically about food. 1Cor 2:14-3:4 - explains what "the flesh" means in Jn 6:63.

confessing sins to anyone else? Mt 9:2-8 Son of Man has authority to forgive sins. Jn 20:23 - whose sins you forgive/retain are forgiven/retained. Jn 20:22 - breathed on them, "receive Holy Spirit" [recall Gn 2:7] 2Cor 5:17-20 - given us the ministry of reconciliation. Jam 5:13-15 - confess your sins to one another. Mt 18:18 - whatever you bind & loose on earth, so it is in heaven. Why would Jesus instruct the apostles about binding and loosing of sins, if no one confessed their sins to them? How do you make sense out of this verse if we are not to confess to anyone but God? Explain this one for me, please....


Need I go on? Yes, I think you do.

Catholicism is a cult, because the attatch all the THINGS that catholics have to do, in order to know God, when Jesus CLEARLY STATES HERE that HE & HE ALONE is all that is needed to come to the Father! As I have shown you, Jesus said a lot more then your quote. I have another view. The church Jesus founded (the Catholic church) has held to His teaching more then ANY other christian church in existance. I will furvently defend "any" of the Catholic doctrines, and I will do it using only the bible.

Look at what Scripture says here:

Revelation 22:18 (New International Version)

18I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.

Many will say the this only refers to Revelation, which is a lie, These word apply to the WHOLE BIBLE, because the Bible is a book of prophecy, from Genesis to Revelation!
Again, I agree with you. Why are you using a bible that someone (Martin Luther) took 7 books out of your bible. So, by your own words you are using a tainted bible. The Catholic church did not add any books. Look it up. 392 A.D. the Catholic church (the Pope and Bishops) under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, defined the books of the bible. From 392 A.D. to 1517A.D. when Luther removed these books, no one questioned the books of the bible.
You don't NEED anythjing BUT JESUS-not all this garbage & non-Biblical stuff that catholics preach! Jesus alone! Period! Well, I think I have put a big fail on this statement.

1 comment:

  1. You can sense the hate in peachfuzz's post. God equates to Love; God does not equate to hate. We will pray for you.
